fredag 12. desember 2008

Meditasjon som medisin

I 2006 ble en svært interessant og akturell studie gjort av L.D. Wright med tittelen "Meditation: a new role for an old friend."

Her er abstracen som forteller oss at basert på den vitenskapelige database av forskning på meditasjon bør meditasjon inkluderes i medisinsk behandling av alvorlige sykdommer.

"Meditation has been a spiritual and healing tradition for centuries. In 1972, Keith Wallace and Herbert Benson published a landmark article looking at meditation from a scientific perspective. The author reviewed their article, plus selected scientific literature on meditation since that time, to see if there was enough evidence to warrant the inclusion of meditation in the treatment protocols of serious disease. This review, plus an illustrative case study, demonstrated that such inclusion is warranted and further research is necessary."

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